
Showing posts from March, 2018




很多人说:“我没得选择。” 又有多少被给予选择权的人,在选择中寻求一个人、一个情况、一件事、一个理由让他不需来回踱步于选择当中。选择何尝不会让人感到无奈、何尝不彷徨、何尝不迷失、何尝不手足无措。 也许没得选择而做出的选择是最佳的选择,也许那就是上天让你省心赐你的一条道路。 可是我们啊,总是在羡慕。


擦肩而过, 何尝不是缘分的一种。 只是回头, 还需要缘分的守候。 然后直走, 转角又是另一个人, 他不是在等候, 只是手上绑着了很细的弦, 沿着弦到另一端, 是你的手。 匆匆地走 时而埋头 时而眼神掠过。 那么多面孔, 谁是谁懵里懵懂, 每个人都在这样过。 总以为自己是眷顾的与众不同。 只因看了你一眼 从此再也移不开双眸。 始于皮囊 全是迷惑 陷于才华 开始许下承诺 持于信任 却是自负刚愎自用 终究瓦解在承诺之后。 从此形同陌路 笑道一切儿女长情 皆不足挂齿 是一场擦肩而过。

Too much noise.

Sometimes I feel tired of people.  Constantly, They give themselves too much exposure. They fill up every place with every details that’s going on in their life, They make too much noise, They can’t leave some time  some secrets some shit  to themselves. They are their own reporters.  As if we want to be the readers.  I’m tired of them.

TFDD/ The Fashion Dos & Donts : The Pear-shaped Pals

Well well,every female creature dreams to have apple, inverted-triangle shaped body and maybe a small proportion of them too desire an attractive hour glass body.  Why? Because those body shapes can let them pull off almost every kind and every style of clothing stunningly. They can look great even in a piece of rag.  That’s totally a thing girls with pear-shaped bodies envy from time to time. I have stronger-than-the-strongest empathy on this, being a cant-go-wrong pear-shaped lady myself.  Pear-shaped people, it makes no difference how skinny they are. If they wear a t-shirt with the wrong length and worse if they match it with a pair of skinny jeans, they will look having-consumed-too-much-lately. I have had struggles buying clothes ever since I started “growing up” and going through that damn puberty . I used to own an okay body where the shoulders appeared to be broader than the hips until that damn puberty came gate-crashing. The change was completely silen