
Showing posts from April, 2018



Just stop looking at your phone

Stop, You need to stop looking at your phone, You need to stop texting whoever that's on the other side of the line,  There is a real one right opposite you, Whom you should look into her eyes  when she talks. I always appreciate and value the nice people around me who pay attention, who listen with heart, who make an effort to understand and be connected, when we talk. Though, the ironic fact is that there is only a handful of them. Nevertheless, I will give the highest credit to my cousin, Taco. It always warms me like the fireplace does on a chilly night that we can give ourselves a break from the social media, turning off the wifi and mobile data, and just talk. The literal one, not a talk through the keyboards. She listens and gives advice which might not help and might not be the best, but I value and I reciprocate. Dating back to the short family beach getaway we had last March, it was night and after roaming around the resort for time more than an ho

Dark wine Chocolate and Golden Foil

Humans They are the dark wine chocolates wrapped in golden foil. Elegant in glitters Yet a sheer opposite when you tear down the paper. Lives They are the unwrapped dark wine chocolate. You frown and grit teeth, So bitter at first, You blossom into a smile, So mellow and rich afterwards. 

To a friend of Mine

On eighteenth April nineteen ninety-nine, Your were vouchsafed with life. Covered in blood, Interconnecting via the cord, They were and are the best metaphors Of your parents' never ending devotion and love that run all along. You grew up, From a toddler in diapers to a kid in 7-colors shirts, And you grew up, until the day you didn't like to eat lollipops and candies anymore, until the day you replaced Slurpee with Americano. Your life is still loading, Like the bar you see on your computer every time before the game starts, and it is now a nineteen percent done. Life, It can be the bumpiest road can be the 6pm dim street can be the disco-light dance floor or can be the raindrops on the window. How is this related to your birthday afterall. You see, on the 18th day of April, You turn 19. Looking at these two consecutive numbers, You should buy the lottery. Don't forget me when you win. HAPPY BI

【推文】《最佳贱偶》容光 :书评+简介

前言: 从前几年开始就陷入了言情小说的魔掌,每天窝在被子里盯着手机荧幕看电子书到一两点,第二天顶着双熊猫眼去学校,和同学一起讨论啊啊啊那本书很好看,啊啊啊哪一位男主很帅,腹黑闷骚小公举,啊啊啊为什么剧情是这样那样,啊啊啊虐,啊啊啊那句话好霸气。。。。。。 看了那么多本书都没真正写过几次书评,现在想来训练训练自己,所以就写了。 说了那么多,终于要进入主题,哎。 ————————————我是分割线————————————— 《最佳贱偶》· 容光 这是2014年的小说,但我却是在前几天才发现来它(别一脸嫌弃),然后花了两天读完,蛮不错。 文案↷ 匹配测试结果表明:程先生和秦**相爱的可能性为0.01%。 程先生嘴贱,皮厚,幼稚,霸气,简直是小言男主的变异品种。 不过秦**很大度,为了维护世界和平,总得有人牺牲小我。 于是她决定收服程先生,一对最佳贱偶由此诞生。 收藏的美人儿个个瘦十斤,冒泡的姑娘cup必须涨! 关于本文不得不说的那些事儿: 1.本文又名: 《我想杀了男主角》 or 《你绝对没有见过这么贱的男主角》 2.男主角属性很神奇,绝对够接地气,友情提示:阅读将会有喷屏风险。 内容标签:天之骄子 天作之和 情有独钟 搜索关键字:主角: 秦真,程陆扬 ┃ 配角:……作者健忘 ┃ 其它:节操就是拿来卖的 —————————————————————————————————————————————————— 简介 程陆杨 是La Lune设计公司总监, 由于儿时缺乏父母关爱,一手被外公养大,他和父母关系并不好,嘴上不饶人,性格孤僻。他曾经受过短暂性失明,视力恢复后却有了色盲的症状,一直到故事后来他已是完全看不见颜色,他的世界是一片黑白。但他遇到了秦真,她成了他的眼睛。 秦真 是一位普通的楼盘公司员工,家境平平。 他俩的相遇是从学驾车的秦真撞了程陆杨的车开始(好我知道这很老套)。然后秦真因为外卖小哥送错餐还要她付钱而在公司外吵得面红耳赤,从此被程陆杨灌上了 很抠很low 的名号。而她对于程陆杨的印象就是—— 嘴贱,成天一副嫌弃看不起人的嘴脸,孤僻爱骂人。 之后,因为秦真就职的楼盘公司与程陆杨的设计公司有了合作关系,彼此也有了越来越多的接触。 渐渐地,她发现了程陆杨那骄傲不让人亲

The Movie Call Me by Your Name, how is it? [review+summary]

Call me by your name and I'll call you by mine. And there went rounds after rounds of Elio Oliver Elio Oliver game. CMBYN is a story about finding, falling, letting go, moving on.  Seriously though, are you sure the author wasn't in two minds whether to add olive oil into her aglio e olio or not when writing the book?Because I find this explanation very positive. My goldfish memory says why I am writing a review right after watching it yesterday as who knows after 1 more day, my memory might just go dead. Summary  (The summary below is literally just a summary where I am briefly writing out the storyline without many details. So if you have watched the movie or read the book, you could skip to the review part.) Every summer, Elio 's father would have a graduate student coming over for help and the same went for that year, when Oliver would stay  with the family for some days. As Oliver and Elio got close, developing a friendship that slowly