

"The Danish Girl" Movie Review

Well, well, well, so I was kind of bored during the holidays and the idea of watching movies came up to my mind. I was going to kickstart my movie marathon with the HarryPotter series but nahnah, Fantastic Beast first. As such, I went to watch it and it led me to Eddie Redmayne. I started looking into the movies he had starred in blahblahblah and that was when I spotted "The Danish Girl".

Well, I must say that its poster, where a man was all looking like a woman, was what drew my attention. *And you know I am always down for this kind of shit hehehhehe.* After watching, I guessed I got excited,HAHAHHAAHAH my cells and nerves got all boosted. Ppppfft! And I couldn't wait recommending it to my friends and my shitty cousin. hehehhehe.
okay, so here is a short review.

The Danish Girl (2015)

Director: Tom Hooper
Genre(s): BiographyDramaRomance
Rating: R
Runtime: 119 min


Einar Wegener and Gerda Wegener were husband and wife who were also famous artists. But Einar was succeeding more in the field. 
One day, Oola Paulson, who was supposed to be the model for Gerda's portrait, was late and so, Gerda asked Einar to be the substitute, asking him to put on the stockings and hold the dress in front. Succumbing to his wife's pleas, he agreed. As he was posing, some weird feelings stirred in him and his hand gesture, his posture and the way he put his legs changed, showing a sense of grace and feminine. Suddenly, Oola showed up and laughed at what she was seeing, Einar helping out his wife because there was no better options, and she called Einar "Lily" jokingly. 

Who would have thought that it was when everything changed.

One night, when the two were about to *you know* cough* *what am I doing, I am not supposed to be mentioning this in my writing, I am only freaking 17, holyshit* OKAY CHILL, one night when they were about to make love, Gerda took off Einar's shirt and saw Einar wearing her undergarments. *NO KIDDING, THIS PART GOT ME SHOCKED THAT I ALMOST CHOKED ON WATER. I WASN'T EXPECTING IT, I WASN'T READY PFFT. BUT ANYWAYS, I DIDN'T CHOKE BCUZ I'M A PRO* 
Gerda was shocked too at first *like me*, but then, it started burning in her eyes, excitement.

That moment I was like : "What the hell were you doing Gerda, weren't you two supposed to stop you-know-what and you started interrogating him like some pro, throwing him with tons of questions about his behavior like some cannonballs?" 

Okay anyways, it ended up the two of them burst into bubbles of giggles and continued you-know-what.

Before the break of dawn, Gerda sketched the sleeping Einar in an androgynous way and brought it to the art collector. The art collector was in awe of it, saying it was something "different".

Then, there was a ball of which Einar didn't wish to attend. Gerda suggested that "Lily" went instead. Gerda started buying woman clothing and shoes for Lily (Einar), putting makeup on his face and finding him a wig. They had a fun time doing all that pick-and-buy.

In the ball, Gerda introduced Lily as Einar's cousin from another town. No one had found out Lily's true identity albeit his voice that obviously sounded like no other than a man. pppfft, that might be because the ear picks weren't invented yet and people in that era never got to pick their ears, causing their ears to be almost clogged which affected their hearing, in a very direct way.
There, Lily got his first kiss, with another man, he actually liked him *damn this is confusing*.Gerda saw it and was totally in rage. Einar tried to explain it with his own "theory" that didn't actually make sense. He said that it was Lily who did the kissing and not him, *you sure you want to be like this, mate.* but no lmao.

As time went by *you know when you got fucked up writing down all the details, you let "as time went by" say it all* , Einar got more and more frequent "seizures" that he couldn't help dressing up as Lily. He liked seeing himself in dresses and loathed the existence of his lil' brother aka penis.

Gerda soon realized the seriousness of the matter and asked Einar to see the doctors, but most of the doctors diagnosed Einar as someone having mental disorders/ Schizophrenic. Einar didn't get better, instead, the desire to live a life as a woman got stronger.

Gerda wanted her husband back, she told Lily: "I want to talk to my husband." but at the same time, it was Lily who brought out all those different and special paintings, that got people's eyeballs, from Gerda. Her emotions got totally messed up but still, she wanted Einar back, she wanted to stop whatever game they were playing. She wanted to call it quit. However, it was too late. Einar just went down all the way and there was no turning back. Sometimes, Gerda would blame herself and get the prickling idea that it was her fault who put Einar into this mess.

Then, seeking for help, the two went to meet an expertise who had met a patient almost like Einar before. He told them that there was only one way to help, which was turning Einar into a real woman through two operations. The first one was to remove his penis and the second was to construct a vagina. *honestly, that was so high tech, don't you think, how could he pee.* 

Einar was delighted that he could finally turn into a woman and was willing to take the risk while Gerda was the complete opposite. She couldn't bear losing "Einar" though she knew that it was the only way to make him happy. Lily's dream was to have a baby of his own.

The first operation went well but the second one didn't. The doctor told Gerda to be ready for the worst. But Lily was happy that he had finally felt like a complete woman. He asked Gerda to take him out and then on the wheelchair, he passed away after Gerda called him Lily.

Not a happy ending. Rather a bittersweet. 

Watching this movie had got me feeling as if I hadn't been breathing for the past one and a half hours until the movie ended and the air got to rush in and I was breathing again.  Those eras, people never knew that transgenders did exist. There was no such term as “transgender”.  Transgenders didn't know they were transgenders because they never got the idea. Like right now, maybe we have some hidden thingy inside our body that we never know do exist or people just describe it as abnormal. After many many years, it got frequent and people finally realize it is not abnormal and start accepting it as a phenomenon.

This movie was based on a true story, same story same name Lily Elbe, Einar Wegener. These people did exist. Lily Elbe had even written down his life during those years in his diary which was then edited and published, known as "Man Into Woman: The First Sex Change". Right now, this book is on my wishlist. Why wishlist and not cart? Because I can't find it here in Malaysia and those online book stores. This is a movie worth watching and rewatching *not for a couple of times of course*. It somehow blew me away with WOAHs and you would feel like you need to take a rest after watching. Even right now, it "haunts" me searching for the pictures in this cold weather when the outside is pitch black.

Rate: 8/10 Good. 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥


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