
Showing posts from January, 2018



A bibliophile much? Come bruh.

OKAY STOP FROWNING OVER THE WORD "BIBLIOPHILE". (I googled that one up ppft, trying to sound like a professional but seems trying too hard pft.) No, I actually just wanted to attract people so that they would click in. Are you one of them huh. There are two types of people in this world. Those who love reading and those who don't ; There are two types of readers in this world. Those who prefer real books and those who prefer e-books (okay, let's pretend there is no such thing as audible books) ; There are two types of real-books lovers in this world. Those who buy books in the concrete, real, your-hands-can-touch-the-walls bookstores and those who buy from the online bookstores. If you are, like me, always lazy to go out as it means putting on a clean (I mean decent) t-shirt, THE pair of jeans that have been sprawling out on your bedroom floor since last last last week and your flip flops, I bet you prefer buying books  online  which is a lot easier and qui

The Ways: Tempting than the Cheese-burst

The ways of the world Of this world Look more tempting Than the gulps-after-gulps of cold beer  Than the pizzas with crusts that cheese-burst. They can be read Like a book; You can watch them Like a movie. The way they are written, The way they are performed, Look so real And yet, They are just pieces of works, Artworks. The ways of the world They are often made of no rules. Some make us curious Some are astonishing  Some infuriate us Some bring us joys and wonders. They are out of reach.  They are like the 3 years old kids Never getting a hold of them. The ways of the world Of this world.

【推文】《嗨,你的锅铲》映漾 (读后感+ 大纲)

巴拉巴拉魔法棒,何方妖孽还不快毕露原型! 我就是开场有点尴尬。×猥琐脸× 最近又读了一本书,你知道的,高中毕业生在家实在没什么好做,请别问我 “干嘛不找工作?” ,找不到啊。我试了很多次了。好,既然都提到这点上来,那我就说下。 首先,我找了我家最靠近的幼稚园想应征幼稚园老师,结果对方说:“抱歉呃,我们不缺人。” 然后,我就去我以前的幼稚园问问,然对方和我安排了星期五去面试。结果非常好,星期五院长出远门没人能面试我,我微微笑得温文有礼还边说没关系,一直到踏出了门·上了车·关上车门才他么想起自己貌似是被放飞机?卧槽,还有这操作?也不提前通知。 接着我又去问了购物商场是否缺推销员,发了几封邮件,结果呵呵,你知道的。 “抱歉,我们暂时不需要。” “满人了。” “你能做工的期限太短了,我们不请,不好意思。” 最后,我抱着一丝希望到一家我表姐当年毕业时打工的地方,一家红酒店,包礼篮。结果,呵呵 ——“哦,我们今年礼篮直接外面买了呃。” ×我一脸生无可恋× ————————————————————我很背分割线———————————————————— 言归正传,我最近读了一本书,蛮不错的,所以想推一下。 《嗨,你的锅铲》·映漾 这名字很 喜气洋洋 对不对,是一本让人读了 爆笑 的小说? 那你就错了。 这是一本 爹死妈抛弃厨师 × 社会恐惧症忧郁症画家 的爱情故事 文案: 迟稚涵的雇主很神秘 她为他做了半年饭只看到过他的手 直到有一天,送饭的时候被抓住了脚踝 那个男人穿着黑色毛衣脸色苍白躺在地上气若游丝 一张妖孽横生的脸正无助的瞪着她 中二的盛世美颜 …… 她的雇主…… 居然如此可口?! 主角:迟稚涵,齐程 我先说 读后感 吧 这是一本很 烧脑的 书,我习惯看书去追根究底人物的每个动作、每一句话,通常这没什么困难,可就这本书,卧槽我看的时候感觉脑都热。应该是太深奥,小仙女还没到那层次。$%#~?$;可能之后会重看多一次。 很多时候就是上一段作者这样这样写,看懂了,然后到了下一段就凌乱了, 呃刚刚这里是这样写的?哦?这句什么意思?哦?为什么要这样做?哦不明白。哦? 一直哦哦哦哦不停。 作者写下的台词里面的潜台词, 卧槽

Your only way to look nice

Your lie is like the light, Shining ever so bright That, It hurts my eyes. It was kind of like a slap on the face Depicting your kindness as the after-rain sunshine. Except it is not, It looks just like the highlighter makeup you apply, Being your only way to look nice.

Me: slithering to gobble me up

It’s not that I can’t care less.  I remind myself not to let the idea in because I’m afraid I might care way too much. Of what? you must be asking.  I don't know.   I am too aware of people's thoughts reading my writings. I admit I am. They are like mirrors. They are like rulers which I use to measure ME. Will they laugh at me and say “oh look at this funny kid” or “ha you see here’s another kid who makes a big deal out of a tiny-pea matter.” with a kids-nowadays-cant-help face. “They are absurd.” “They don’t even know the right words.” Sometimes I write to, sort of, remind myself when I’m getting a bit lost, not because I have learnt a lesson from something but I know if I don’t write it down to make myself understand better, I might fall into a mess. I am explaining the whats-right-whats-wrong to myself and ask myself to stick to it like a conviction. If I ever get mentally ill, it must have been my desire to surpass others and my too-strong-will t

The days: My days

Writing can lead you to somewhere else. Somewhere there is only you and you but no, you aren’t feeling alone or anything close to being bored.  Whatever is on your mind, you link them up like a long long polypeptide chain , alternating them, squeezing them, shaping them, and you form them into a piece of yours, like a protein.  Sometimes people don’t understand and you don’t expect them to.   About how your mind will get wild and hyper like some 3-year-old galloping down the stairs a nd you can’t sleep even though your eyelids are shut tightly closed.  Because the excitement swirls in you, they are like the atoms stirring around, dancing and skipping from here to there from your kidney to your liver to your stomach and some, they come down from the cerebellum and roll across your spinal cord in the vertebrates and run to the front where your lungs are. And you have the urge to pour something out, from you. It is like the hot lava that is about to burst out of

The girl and her ice-cream

There was a girl Who wanted an ice cream But her friend told her Ice cream made her fat It was unhealthy  It contained so much sugar that it led to diabetes. It caused a toothache  And if that happened you would need to see a dentist. “Aren’t you scared of the dentists?” But the girl didn’t move She didn’t walk to the ice cream truck Nor did she turn and go away She stood. And the other friend said “But one only costs 1 buck today because it is Valentine’s Day.” “Yeah and after today there won’t be any 1-buck ice-creams sold!” She bought the ice cream in the end Because it costed only 1 buck that day.  You do know what you want You do wish your answer can be yes. But you are too aware Of The eyes around you Which belong to your friends. You don’t nod your head, because you know what they are going to say. But you do know what you want You do wish your answer can be yes. There are hundreds of thousands of reasons that make sense Telling you not to nod a yes. And then, There appears one


有时候 我好想自己能够明白一个人的一举一动 有时候 我希望自己能知道一个人的心理操作 有时候 我希望对你的猜疑不曾有过 蚂蚁的窝 表面看是个洞 却串连着一整个王国 深深浅浅的伤口 密密麻麻刺刺的痛 像针插在皮肤上 伴随着我眉头的紧蹙 抿着的双唇 不自觉握紧的拳头 会这样 就因为我当时看不透。

"The Danish Girl" Movie Review

Well, well, well, so I was kind of bored during the holidays and the idea of watching movies came up to my mind. I was going to kickstart my movie marathon with the HarryPotter series but nahnah, Fantastic Beast first. As such, I went to watch it and it led me to Eddie Redmayne . I started looking into the movies he had starred in blahblahblah and that was when I spotted "The Danish Girl". Well, I must say that its poster, where a man was all looking like a woman,  was what drew my attention. *And you know I am always down for this kind of shit hehehhehe.* After watching, I guessed I got excited,HAHAHHAAHAH my cells and nerves got all boosted. Ppppfft! And I couldn't wait recommending it to my friends and my shitty cousin. hehehhehe. okay, so here is a short review. The Danish Girl (2015) Starring:   Alicia Vikander ,  Amber Heard ,  Ben Whishaw ,  Eddie Redmayne Director:   Tom Hooper Genre(s):   Biography ,  Drama ,  Romance Rating:   R Runtime:  

Staunching: Bleeding Wound

I know I knew I had and have,  Known it all along. You have let your cat out of your freaking bag, no more hidden secrets under the filthy ground, You know? So who is the fool afterall. I thought I was going to shout I thought I was going to cry  Because all this  was too hard to bear Was too much beyond just heartbroken Was like a sharp dagger piercing through, And above my right chest, I tried to staunch my bleeding wound. But Nah,  I did not. I just walked away Before the truth roared.  You once had it all, But now I guess not. Staying together makes breathing difficult As fresh clean air is all I deserve. You have ruined it without much effort, Well done,  My dear.

BeautyThingy : Lucas Papaw Ointment Tube Reviews, Photos & Thoughts!

Alright alright, this marks my very first time writing a review for a product. And what is it? Who will be my first "guest" ? Blah blah, long story short, let's just be straight to the point. Lucas Papaw Ointment Tube  dont laugh damn, why am I laughing, and at myself? Well, suffering from chapped lips?  Feeling frustrated every time seeing the dry patches on your lips? If you, like me, love picking the skin of your lips as if you can't give them a rest, yes I bet you definitely face this problem. We are comrades! Hooray. But no worries Tom ( your are now Tom and I am Jerry of course ) , Lucas Papaw Ointment has come to our rescue. 1. What is it? A Nature's Super Protector made in Australia from the Australian papaws. 2. What is it for? Really? The ointment has antibacterial and antimicrobial properties and can be used as a local topical application on the following: Minor Burns & Scalds Sunburn Gravel Rash, Cuts & Minor Open Wound